Not all packages come in the same size and even the smallest of them deserves attention.
In the document scanning business problem solving typically involves converting a large volume of files from paper to digital. This makes sense because getting that huge roomful of boxes pared down to storage on a network provides many benefits:
• Office space is available for other uses. Or doesn’t need to be part of the rental footprint.
• Access to files is fast, clean and accurate.
• Misfiles are a thing of the past.
• Paper files are now backed up for security.
• Remote workers have access.
So, what about smaller file groups?
They need to be protected and secured as well. Access can be as, or even more important than other file types, it just depends on the subject matter. And while in paper form they may not take up much space, there is also the advantage of putting all business files on a common digital platform.
We have met managers who decide that large volume files should be converted via a dedicated scanning system, whether in-house or with a provider. With small files however, they feel that using an inhouse multifunction device (MFD) is an acceptable solution.
This decision stands a very good chance of not working for a few reasons. The scanning task is assigned to someone who is already fully engaged in other responsibilities. This puts scanning at the bottom of the pile where it waits, never to be completed. Image quality suffers when the MFD is not set up properly or maintained. Digital files are misplaced on the network, never to be found. Etcetera!
At COMPUCOM no job is too large or too small to us. Each has its own priorities and requirements. We know that your information, whether a room full or a hand full is critical to your business and we treat it accordingly. Perhaps you are new to document scanning or would like to try us out. Together we can address your records management situation and come up with the solution that best fits your needs.
Give us a call, we’ll size up the situation.