What if you could reduce the amount of time and money your organization spends on manual accounts payable (AP) processes? No matter the size of the organization, every company has bills to pay. But manually processing invoices is time-consuming, unsecure and subject to errors. With COMPUCOM Inc.’s Accounts Payable Virtual Mailroom your organization can streamline AP processes with our patented award-winning artificial intelligence engine that can bring intelligent automation to any finance department to improve productivity across the entire enterprise. Not to mention regulatory compliance and risk management issues.
With COMPUCOM Inc.’s Accounts Payable Virtual Mailroom Service, we scan all of your organizations widgetmail the day it arrives, instantly creating an audit trail. We then electronically distribute that mail immediately to the proper person / department. Your staff can now be knowledge workers instead of manual document laborers. There will be much less need to make copies, cutting your costs even further.
It is estimated that switching to a paperless office can result in a 60-70% reduction in costs associated with record management.
Let our virtual mailroom service give you the security you need, improve your employees productivity and improve your customer service. All while saving your organization time & money.
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